Inderal For Migraines

Inderal For Migraines

Inderal For Migraines Average ratng: 4,1/5 2991 votes

Propranolol is a beta blocker frequently prescribed to prevent certain types of migraine headaches. Sold under the brand names Inderal and InnoPran, and also as a generic product, this drug often falls under a broad category of drugs referred to as oral migraine prevention medications (OMPMs). Propranolol, sold under the brand name Inderal among others, is a medication of the beta blocker class. It is used to treat high blood pressure, a number of types of irregular heart rate, thyrotoxicosis, capillary hemangiomas, performance anxiety, and essential tremors. It is used to prevent migraine headaches, and to prevent further heart problems in those with angina or previous heart attacks.

Propranolol is a beta blocker medication which is helpful in preventing migraine attacks in some patients. If a patient is having frequent attacks or severe, long-lasting attacks, it may be of help in cutting down the frequency of the attacks. However, it should be taken only under the careful supervision of a physician familiar with its use.A dose of propranolol up to 240 mg may be necessary. Inderal LA (60-80-120-160 mg) is a convenient one-a-day way to take the medicine.Inderal® can diminish endurance and tolerance to running and exercise, and it may take longer to accomplish previous goals. Immediate side effects can include diarrhea, tiredness, slowed pulse, and/or lowered blood pressure. These side effects are sometimes transient. Patients with bronchial asthma or other similar lung conditions, congestive heart failure or heart block should not use this agent.

Worms world party online. Do not stop this class of medication abruptly as it can cause problems with heart rhythm in sensitive individuals.

Rated Inderal for Migraine ReportBeen taking Inderal LA for close to 6 months. Take 80mg/day. Before Inderal, i had an average 4-5 migraines a month each one lasting 3 days. The only side effect i get is cold feet and fingers. But i can live with that, Now since taking Inderal, ive had in 6 months- 5 migraines ( 2 of them were intense ) but the others were tolerable. Nothing like they used to be.

I will note that, since i take my Inderal before bed, my sleep has dramatically improved. It wasnt bad before, but it is ALOT better now. I am very happy that my doctor recommended Inderal. It has been life changer for me.

Rated Inderal for Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) ReportI have been on Propranolol 60 mg time release for severe anxiety and broken heart syndrome after the death of a mother I was a primary caregiver to and my best friend and wife leaving, finding out she was feeling neglected, 10 days later. Yes, I was oblivious. I needed to gain control of my emotions, as they were affecting my job. This drug has helped subside the up welling of emotions and rapid heartbeat to some extent; however, I am feeling my lows with more intensity and have had suicidal thoughts. I would not act on these thoughts, but I was scared that I would even have those thoughts and not being able to work through this. I still get upset at times and at this time, I have a rapid heartbeat. I have always been healthy and have always received grade A blood tests and I am in decent shape.

I do have episodes of light headiness and dizziness, and my blood pressure did increase from a normal range to off the scale for me. I always have a pressure in my chest and the feeling of something always being in my esophagus. During the experimental period I did have a fainting spell.

I figured it was due to my pressure dropping lower than normal, but actuality it had pegge. Rated Inderal for Anxiety ReportProp is a valuable drug for me on a PRN basis. I have recently found that 20mg first thing in the morning helps set the stage for the day because if I start out anxious, it seems harder to get under control.

A little prop can get me off to a good start, and then I often don't need to take it again at all, but I keep it on hand just in case. It doesn't work quite as well as a benzo, which seems to help curb anxious thoughts for me more than prop, but it keeps the physical symptoms down, as they can LEAD me to psychological anxiety it seems. Rated Inderal for Migraine Prophylaxis ReportI used to have headaches every day.

My primary physican tried me on Depakote. That did not work and the side effects were severe. After seeing a neurologist he put me on Inderal. I have been taking this for about 7 weeks now.

For the first week it really did not do much. After that first week, I began to have fewer headaches. I will still get a headache every now and again, but they are not severe like they used to be. Side effect wise I do get some dizzy spells, but they are quick and do not interfere with day to day activities. If asked I would recommend trying a beta blocker over the anti-seizure medications. The side effects are generally less severe.

Plus it is cheap! Even if you do not have insurance!!! Migraine prophylaxis medications work differently with each person. So you may have to try many things before finding the one that works for you. Rated Inderal for Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) ReportI started to use Inderal to help with chronic migraines. I've been on it about 6 weeks.

I'm not sure it's helping a whole lot with the headaches, but it's really helped with my fibromyalgia symptoms. I used to dread waking up in the morning. I had a lot of pain and it was very difficult to get out of bed. Most days, I just wanted to cry. Inderal has cut that pain by a significant amount. The pain is still there, but it's muted and easier to handle.

In fact, I took OTC pain meds a few times in the last 3 or 4 weeks and they actually helped. Normally, taking non-prescription pain meds was like swallowing candy. They didn't even make a dent. Rated Inderal for Tremor ReportI took this years ago for migraine, for many years. I have always had tremor, and lately it was much worse, in my jaw and hands. I had been taking a low dose of atenolol, for pre-hypertension. We (physician and I) assumed it was helping with tremor as well.

Last month after real frustration I suggested we try propranalol again to see if it helped. I can crochet again and put my teeth together for the first time in two years!

A side effect (no one mentions, but reason I insisted on change over ten years ago) is about 8 lb weight gain. I am working on it, but distinctly remember it melted off when I gave it up last time, however the tremor is controlled and worth the effort on my diet to deal with the weight. Rated Inderal for Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) ReportI have felt anxious most of my life and was on anti depressants a couple of times (lexapro and Prozac). Told my doctor I wanted to try a new route and he prescribed me 160mg!

From my experience today and reading other peoples dosages I really cant believe he prescribed me such a high dosage. The first 2 hours after taking it I felt as if my head was going to explode, I was just trapped in my thoughts except they were just muddled thoughts and later when that wore down I did feel quite relaxed, but not more socially open, I could talk to people but I just felt like I had nothing to say, I felt doped up, usually I'm quite out going despite my titchyness and general embarrassment. After that effect wore off I just felt tired and depressed. Definitely not for me, although I may break the capsules for certain situations when I cant relax.

Rated Inderal for Social phobia (Social anxiety disorder) ReportGreat for use occasionally but not everyday. It blocks addrenalin, which makes you more calm which allows you to be more confident, Your fight or flight mechanism is blocked. This may seem good but it also lowers your heart rate and cancels any new memories from being formed. Addrenalin is what makes memories. Google 60 minutes 'A pill to forget' and youll see. You want remember squat if you use this daily. TRUST ME or get some and try it if you don't.

Rated Inderal for Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) ReportDefinetly helps GAD! Propranolol (inderal) is real good for anxiety. I have been on buspar, ativan/klonopin/valium/xanax/librium, 6 ssri's, as well as 2 tricyclics and none did help with the anxiety.

Ssris as well the tricyclics made me more anxious, benzos had a weird reaction in me.they made me more anxious. Thats what i dont understand and ive tried all the benzos and none worked!! But inderal does.I guess my GAD is from an overflow of norepinephrine and Inderal controls the amount of NE in your brain and keeps NE levels down.easy as that!! Very mild side effects and I will note i DONT notice any sexual side effects!

(im a male btw) give it a try for GAD and u wont be worried:). Rated Inderal for Post-Traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) ReportI have been using inderal 40 mg twice daily for about 3 weeks now. This is the only drug that has helped. Benzos make me so dull im like a zombie. I've tried ssri's for my ptsd as well as tricyclics and mood stabilizers. Inderal is the best for the physicla symptoms of ptsd as well as it keeps my mind from racing. This is definetly more than just for high-blood pressure.

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I have been in councelling for my ptsd and it did help the majority of it but there are still the recurrent flashbacks as well as the panic attacks I get sometimes and inderal helps keep me in control. It helps with shakiness as well as blushing. Its a must have for ptsd. It made me anxiety free and it's non-addictive!! Definetly worth a shot for PTSD, anxiety and definetly social anxiety. Rated Inderal for Anxiety ReportInderal has been a lifesaver for me professionally.

I have been plagued by paralyzing stage fright over public speaking for the last few years. The symptoms are worse than the anxiety (heart palpitations that you can see through my shirt, shaking voice, feel as though I may faint) and it's a vicious cycle b/c now my anxiety is more about the symptoms than the speaking. Inderal eliminates virtually 100% of these feelings. I'll get the occasional stomach flip before I start but it's nothing compared to before. I only need 20mg.

I've tried anti-depressants (zoloft), benzo's (klonopin, ativan), have been to three diff counselors over the years and even went to a hypnotist for this phobia and nothing has worked the way this has. Plus I like that I can take it once a week or as needed rather than daily like an antidepressant. Thank god for Inderal or I probably would have quit my job by now rather than be faced with regular public speaking.

It truly is a life saver. Rated Inderal for Anxiety ReportI started taking Inderal in 2001 after many years of debilitating anxiety. The anxiety was getting increasingly more severe as i got older and the heart palpitations were unbearable.

I went to a new Dr. In my town and on the first visit he told me my blood pressure and heart rate had to be lowered as soon as possible. Put me on 30 mg.

Of Inderal 3 times a day and i immediately started to feel a difference and by 6 months i was able to ride on the highway again, as i was petrified for years to do so. I now even drive on the highway like i used to before the severe anxiety.

Thanks to a good Dr. And good old medicine that lowered my blood pressure, something none of the many dr.s i went to through the years bothered to give me. I used to feel hopeless that i would ever feel normal again.

The cause of anxiety can be physical, it's not always mental problems that causes this disorder. Rated Inderal for Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) ReportOk, I used the Inderal years ago, and I had to stop it. My Psychiatrist prescribed the 40mg time released and it slowed my heart down way too much. My heart rate went from 100 resting to the 50's and that was too slow.

I was given the 10mg dose and I wish I had tried it. Instead they put me on Tenormin and the side effects of that drug are orthostatic hypotension, unsteadiness, cold hands and feet, a dead sex drive. The Tenormin is such a powerful drug on me, that breaking a 50mg tablet, scoring it to 12.5 took my racing heart beat from 105per min down to 60's resting, it 15 minutes. I like Inderal better and when I see my doctor tomorrow I will request it again.

I have worries about the Ziac/HCTZ and Ace Inhibitors like Lisinopril/HCTZ. The newer drugs, even in 2.5mg doses have more side effects.

Rated Inderal for Post-Traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) ReportI take this as part of the PTSD cocktail: Propranolol/Inderal (10 mg), Vistaril (25 mg), Geodon (20 mg) twice a day. The low dose propranolol is the only thing that is supposed to work on PTSD. In addition to twice a day, I can take it as needed for panic attacks. The pills are.really. small & digest rapidly, so they usually take the edge of the attack within 10 minutes. After 30 minutes I feel great.

I take 10 mg for a small attack and 20 mg for a large attack. I have.never. taken more than 40 mg in a day. When I tried extended release, it didn't work and it dropped my blood pressure really low.


That's what the studies find anyway. With the cocktail, I almost never need it more than twice a day anyway. I think this is.THE BEST.

for anxiety. I've tried Klonopin, Xanax & Ativan. They're not as good.

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Inderal For Migraines
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