Simon The Sorcerer 2 Walkthrough

Simon The Sorcerer 2 Walkthrough

Simon The Sorcerer 2 Walkthrough Average ratng: 4,2/5 7441 votes

The lion,the wizard and the wardrobeBy adventure softWalkthrough by MaGtRo April,2002Game play: Please read themanual. The game ismouse driven. The game manipulation is by clicking a combination of a verbselection and an item in the display area. The item is identified on the ID barabove the verb icons and the inventory, when the cursor is over the item. Toperform an action; first select the verb icon, then the object you want to usethe verb on and then click the left mouse button. The verb icons on left sideare Push/pull (Simon with chest), look at (magnifying glass), open/close (boxwith lid) and magnet (pick up). On the right side, the verb icons are talk to(open mouth), wear (hat), use and with (hammer and the most commonly used icon)and give and to (a present).

(57088) IGN for Android. Menu IGN Search. Simon the Sorcerer 2 - Walkthrough. Landscape Mode is recommended for viewing FAQs. Work - the curse of the gaming classes. After a short interlude caused by the necessity of earning a living, I have returned to my comfy gaming chair with my next game - Simon the Sorcerer 2! I avoided playing this in the 90s because I heard it fell into the 'unfairly hard' end of.

Pressing F10 will show all the items in the screenthat can be interacted with, a very helpful feature. They are shown by littlewhite stars.

Pressing F5 will skip the introduction. The sound effects,background sound effects, text and music can be toggled on and off by pressingS, B, T and M, respectively. Using the map will bring Simonautomatically to differentplaces. Using the postcard will bring up themain menu of save, load, quit and continue. To save, type in the name you wantto describe the saved game and press enter. The inventories that can bepicked up are colored bright yellow in the walkthrough.After his adventuresin Simon the Sorcerer 1, Simon back in his time was treated by a psychiatrist.His adventures were assumed as a bad dream.

Now, in the other world, a young boynamed Runt was reading the magic book of Sordid, the evil sorcerer. Found out byRunt's father, the book was burned and thrown into a magic pentagram on thefloor. Sordid appeared and took Runt as his apprentice to conquer the world.They sent a magic wardrobe, a transportation device to Simon's bedroom. Simon,now older entered the wardrobe and got sent inadvertently to the Calypso'sMagike Emporium instead of Sordid's Fortress of Doom. To be sent back, Calypsoneeds a powerful fuel called mucusade that is in the castle and Simon goes outto find it. Simon's adventure begins.Checkthe Castle outCalypso'sMagike Emporium: Outside Calypso's emporium, look at theposter about the magic tournament for a Royal Wizard. Go back in the store(press F10 to see the hotspots) and pick up the baseball bat and the grass greendye.

Simon is rude inthis adventure. Exit the scene at either the north path or the building on theright to the Map of the world.

The map can be scrolled right and left.Castle:Talk to the guards in order to get in the castle. They require a proper ID, i.e.they want to be bribed. They will eventually explain the currency system of theland.1 Dollar = 256 pence1 Groat = 16 Pence1 Crown = 64 Pence1 Queen's Shilling = 2 Crowns1 King's Shilling = 3 Crowns1 Silver Sovereign = 5 Dollars1 Gold Sovereign = 3 Silver Sovereigns1 Royal Crest = 45 DollarsThe guard informs you that the kingis looking for a wizard and the competition is in the park in center of town.Exit the scene and go to the Town Square.Time tofind money.Town Square: Waitand watch the Moor., I mean Morris dancers. If the dance is too long trytalking to the accordion player and the dancers until Simon says that he willwatch the dance.

One of the dancer's stick breaks. Talk to Malcolm, theaccordion player and give him the baseball bat. The dancers dance. The thrownbat drops on Malcolm. The dancers are out a dance instructor and they will putthe poster up again for a new one. Exit to map.Street ofTraders: Pick up theposter for the dance instructor.Ironmonger - Talk to the dwarf Ironmonger twice.

Ask about the ironmongertrade. Help him with the currency conversion on his tax return. His 3 problemsare:1. How many dollars in a gold sovereign? There are 5 dollars in a silversovereign and 3 silver sovereign in a gold sovereign. So 5 dollars x 3 silversovereign = 15dollars.2.

What is 16 groats in dollar? There are 16 pence in a groat. 16 groats x 16pence = 256 pence which is equivalent to 1 dollar.3. How many gold sovereigns in a royal crest? There are 45 dollars in a royalcrest and there are 5 dollars in a silver sovereign.

45 divided by 5 = 9 silversovereigns. There are 3 silver sovereigns in 1 gold sovereign, so 9 divided by 3= 3 Goldsovereigns in a royal crest.As a reward, the ironmonger gives you a left handed crowbar.Fat Bloke - Exit to the right and see the fat bloke selling cloths. Hewill not talk to you.Joke Shop - Enter the Joke shop on extreme left of screen. Check out allgags in the store. Pick up a joke bookon the counter when the joke seller tries the gorilla head on - he would not seeyou then.

Talk to the joke seller and Simon will exit the store. Go back in andhe will give you his card - Dr. Beagle, purveyor of jokes and costumes.Docks:Look around at the crabs (red herring) and the hiding Goldilocks behind thecrate.

When she pops up, talk to Goldilocks twice. She shows you the wantedposter and explains about the 3 bears' job. Help her with the crates by usingthe crowbar on the crate. Pick up the wig and rubber dinghy Mary, theGoldilocks discards when she enters the crate. Move to the extreme right side ofthe screen until you see Um Bongo. Talk to Um Bongo.

He wants to teach his raindance to the people but he does not have his group of dancers. Show him theposter for dance instructor of the Morris dancers. Exit to the right.3 Bearscottage: Look at sign and open the mailbox. Pick upand look at the letter - it has the 3Bears' address on it. You cannot get in the house because of the varioussecurity systems.Loan Office:Talk to jester and listen to bad jokes.

He needs help, so give him the jokebook. He gives you his bladder.Open the drain cover using the crowbar. Enter the sewer and get scared bya mutated spider - cannot get through here. Note the sewer water level comparedto the spider lair.Enter the loan office and talk to secretary. She will explain thedifferent loans available. Ask for any of the loans stated.

Enter the office tothe left. Notice that the loan officer took a letter from the top in tray andplaced it in the tube.

Ask about the tube. It goes to his men that demolishhouses because of late mortgages - that gives you an idea. Ask for the loan andwhile he is looking for the form, use the letter taken from the 3 bears' houseon the in tray. If you are not fast enough, you have several chances to do so.Exit the loan office and see the roof of the 3 bears cottage destroyed. Exit.3 Bearscottage: Now you can enter the cottage. Go to the kitchenat the right of screen. Pick up the rubbergloves first and then close taps (trigger forthe bears to arrive).

Watch the bears arrive and Simon hides in the chimney.Listen and see Simon lands in a fountain.Fountain: Try talking to the washer women. Note the basket closeto the kneeling washer woman.Exit and go back to the 3 Bears cottage. Talk to Papa Bear and then givehim Goldilocks' wig. Mama Bear will give youporridge. Exit to map.Tattooist:The sign on the door says that the tattooist is out to lunch.

Look at sign onright stating Insane Society. Use the ladder, climb up and open the door. Enterand see the insect man, straightjacket man, fish man and the frying pan man.

Trytalking to the frying pan man and the fish man will give you a note pad to talk to thefrying pan man that took a vow of deafness. Use note pad on him. He will giveyou a brochure and say thatthere is an opening for a porridge wearer.

Wear the porridge and you will begiven a (membership) junk bag. Look in junkbag and get money (100 dollars),bungee ropeand wedge inthe inventory. How to getspending money: (recap)- At Street of Traders, getcrowbar from ironmonger.- At the dock, help Goldilocksand get her wig and rubber dinghy.- At 3 Bears cottage, get theletter from mailbox.- At Loan Office, get loan fromloan officer and place 3 Bears letter on in tray.- Go to 3 Bears cottage, getrubber gloves and be given porridge.- At Insane Asylum in Tattooistsite, talk to frying pan man, wear porridge and get junk bag (money,bungee rope and wedge).Get tosee Swampling bossMucSwamplings: Listen to the Swampling mascot at thecourtyard. Look at the menu and then talk to mascot about 'voucher as well'. Hewill give you aballoon and avoucher for the kiddy meal. Go to the next leftscreen. Look at the dustbin and pick up afishing rod.

Look at the hatchway and metaldoor (red herring). Go back and enter the fast food place. Look at swamplingclock over the counter - it is stuck at minutes before 2 o'clock. Talk totattooist and he says that he will go back to work at 2 o'clock. Talk to anorakman - he needs help to be manly. Talk to the waiter.

Use your kiddie voucher.Get any flavor ofswamp shake. Look at kiddie meal and get swampling model,swamp gum andmaggot. Look at swamp shake and read thewarning - will set into a solid mass on contact with air.

Ask the waiter aboutthe swampling boss. Only employees are allowed behind the counter.

We have tolook like an employee then. Exit.Street of Traders:Pet Store - Go to left screen and enter the pet store. Talk to theinventor/shop owner.

He is proud of his World Instant Genetic Combiner. Look atall the different experimental animals. Look at and pick up the glowworms thatthe scientist is working on.

They are not very bright. Maybe we can help himwith his experiment and make the glowworms brighter. Try to pick up the electricturtle - ouch!Userubber gloves on electric turtle.

Use turtle on thesingle right box. Press/use the green button on machine.

The electric turtleseparates into eel and turtle found in the 2 left boxes by the machine. Take theturtle out and place theglowworm in its place.

Move the red lever of the machine to the right. Use thegreen button and combines the glowworms with the electric eel to produce reallybright glowworms found on the single right box. The scientist is impressed andlets you take the glowworms.Exit the shop.Joke shop - Ask the joke seller to make a swampling costume for you buthe needs green material.Fat Bloke - Try to buy some green cloth from fat bloke. He wants you toget him a magic lamp and then he dumps you at the rear entrance of a cave. Go toright screen. Pick lamps and after a long while, the last lamp has thevacationing genie's message. Look at cave entrance and see the fat bloke.Talk to cave entrance and the fat bloke will drop a ladder down.

Climb outautomatically. Back at the street of traders, the fat bloke gives you a whitecloth. We have to change it to green then. Exit and go to fountain.Fountain: Use grass dye on fountain. Use cloth from fatbloke on basket. Look at fountain and Simon will say that the water is green(trigger for the washer woman). The washer woman will then wash the cloth in thefountain and turn it green.

Pick up the now green cloth. Go back to thejoke shop.Joke shop - Give the green cloth to the joke seller. Later, he gives youthe costume.Exit and go to MucSwampling.MucSwampling:Enter the restaurant and wear the swampling costume. Simon asthe swampling mascot will go behind the counter. Listen/talk to the 2 chefs -Phew brothers arguing. Go up the stairs and see the boss.

Talk to Swamplingfriend and end up asking for his stew. He will make a special, extra smelly,extra yummier stew for you but he does not have swamp mud. He givesbucket so that you canget swamp mud.

Where is the nearest swamp? By the mountains - Aha,the sewer is the closest exit but there's a little problem concerning a scaryspider. How to get to seeSwampling boss: (recap)- At MucSwampling, get kiddiemeal voucher from MucSwampling mascot (after getting money - seeabove).- At MucSwampling, get kiddiemeal from waiter behind counter. Open bag.- At Street of Traders' Jokeshop, get joke man to make a swampling costume.- At Street of Traders, getcloth from fat bloke after retrieving the lamp he wants.- At Fountain, dye the clothgreen after adding dye to fountain.- Give dyed cloth to joke man.- Inside MucSwampling, wearswampling costume and go behind the counter.GetSwamp MudTown Square:Talk to Um Bongo and he needs a pig's bladder for his holy drum that got damagedin transit.

You will automatically give the bladder to Um Bongo. He and thedancers dance. Rain cloud and lightning appear. Go to sewer via the LoanOffice.Sewer:Aha, the rain swept the spider away. Walk to left of screen and then useglowworm to get light which Simon automatically hangs on a hook. Walk forwarduntil the dead spider.

Climb up the metal ladder and exit to swamp.Swamp/Lake:Go to right screen and see mud but it is too far toreach. Use bungee rope on railing of broken bridge and Simon also ties it to hisfoot. Use bucket on mud to get a bucketfull of swamp mud.

Go to left exit 3xs and see the lake. Talk to 'Lady of theLake' and she spouts about the sword stuck on a rock at the other island. The'Lady' wants to leave to go on her date but her replacement has still notarrived. To help and to check the sword, Simon agreed to be Lady of the Lake butone has to be a woman and need the Royal Seal. Use fishing rod on lake.Automatically use maggot on rod and catch afish. Exit to map via the sewer and loanoffice. Go to MucSwampling.

The dirt, the power, the jumps, the tricks and speed are all here in ATV Offroad Fury 2. Offroad racing has never been more intense. ATV Offroad Fury 2 challenges you to conquer the terrain against championship riders through stunning environments. You're on an offroad vehicle. Atv offroad fury 2 xbox 360. ATV Offroad Fury 2 is a Racing, Stunt, Single and Multiplayer video game developed by Rainbow Studios and published by Sony Computer Entertainment. It is a second game in the series of ATV Offroad Fury that offers similar gameplay with lots of new tracks, vehicles, and upgrades that makes the game more enjoyable read more.

How to stop the royal babyfrom crying: (recap)- Get the Joke man to makestink bomb.- Eliminate contestcompetitions for Royal Wizard by using swamp shake and stink bomb.- Get free tattoo of crown andswords from Tattooist.- Use fishing rod on lake closeto swamp and give the fish to royal seal in castle.- Talk to Lady of Lake andautomatically show the royal seal.- Inflate rubber dinghy withair tank and use rubber dinghy to island. Pick up the sword from stone.- Give the prince the sword andhe will give the pea and peashooter in exchange.- Wake the princess by placinga pea on her mattress and she gives you a lolly after asking how to stop ababy from crying.- Get the milk from theswampling baby in exchange for the lolly.- Give milk to royal baby inthe nursery.Huntfor the MucusadeCastle:Now that we have done the king's order, we have time to look for what we arehere for - mucusade. Exit the nursery and go to left screen where the king is.Enter the arched doorway by the king's throne and automatically climb thestairs.

Look at the pentagram on the landing and click on treasury doorway. Thedemons from the first adventure appear and block the way to the arched doorway.They are mad because of 3 yrs of torment and explain further. They push you backdown the stairs.

Go back up and place the rest of the swamp shake on thepentagram. The more talkative demon is stuck and the other one laughs - anensuing swamp shake fight comes about.

Now to find a way pass the demons. Lookat the window and see the whole city. Leave the castle.Street of thetraders: Use balloon on railing by the ironmonger. Go backto MucSwamplings and ask the Swampling mascot for another balloon.

Tie it to therailing at Street of traders also. Get another balloon until you have 3 balloonson the railing. Float and automatically get in the room above the treasury ofthe castle.Castle:Looking at the sarcophagus or rug will bring you down via trap door to thetreasury. Pick up the radioactive labeled box of mucusade. Open the doorand see the way blocked by the demons. Enter the tube to the right and then goto the window.

When floating, a bird punctures the balloon and drops you at thecastle gate. Select Calypso's from the map and gets lost somewhere. You areshanghaied.PirateshipHold:Listen to Captain Long John Silver. Use the spell book to make the chainsdisappear.

Pick up the skull but gets the eyepatch only. You cannot talk to tough lookingman yet. Try to climb the stairs and the Captain comes down to announce thatinstead of selling you as slaves, he would kill you at midday, which is 3:30 bythrowing you to shark infested water. But if you please the captain as his cabinboy, he will spare your life.Captain'scabin: look/read the diary and pick up a postcard of Calimari Bay.Pick up a stuffed parrotfrom the right side of the screen. Exit to left screen.Crewquarter: On deck, open the door to the right. Pick up the knife on the center post.Use knife on hammock with the drunken pirate to reach the tinderbox. Pick up thetinderbox.Exit the cabin.Deck:On deck, talk to the pirate coiling rope.

Trade the eye patch for his shades /sunglasses.Go back down andto the left end of the ship and see the surly pirate hammering on a plank. Gobehind the surly pirate and push/move him. Pick up the plank, nails and hammer.Hold:Open the door and enter the hold where you were originally kept. Talk to toughlooking man and ask if he has welding torch. He gives the welding torch to you.Deck:Go back up and use the welding torch on the chains hanging on the metal doorbehind the drunken pirate on deck. Simon uses the shades. (Thanks, Tony!) The captain immediately comes out and stopswhat you were doing.

Use plank on door and automatically nails it to stop thecaptain from coming back out. Again, use welding torch on chains of the metaldoor. Pick up the mucusadeand then climb back up. Now, how to get back to the capital and Calypso.Crow's nest:Climb up/use the rigging to the crows nest.

Use postcard on telescope. Go down.Helm:Climb the stairs on the right to go the helm. Talk to the bosun, steering theship.

Talk to him about steering ships using parrots. Exchange the compass/blue parrot with thestuffed parrot from your inventory. The red parrot falls over. Use swamp gum onparrot to keep it erect.

Lessons on simon the sorcerer

Exit to left screen.Deck:Simon sleeps. Meanwhile back in Calypso's, 2 flying boars crashes in to look forthe 'wizard'. They will trash the place to look for Simon. Back at the pirateship, the ship was attacked by another and Simon ended up shipwrecked on shoreof an island.

All the inventory is gone except for the postcard. (The turtle has no use that I can gather).AnIslandBeach:Pick up the shovel with no handle. Goto right screen and watch the beachcomber pick up the mucusade. Talk to thebeachcomber to no avail. Pick up towel.Enter the jungle (path to the north).Jungle:Pick up the wooden pole. Talk to thekid and he wants the tied balloon in exchange for a shell.

Give (gift icon)balloon to kid. He gives the shell.Chuwumbawumba Cafe is to the left and a cave entrance is underneath the sign.Cave:The cave has a whisky bottle with the vacationing genie in it (remember the lampfor the fat bloke). He can not assure that he is capable of giving wishesbecause he is full of whiskey. We have to waken him up then.Beach:Go back to the beach. Use wooden pole on shovel. Use shovel and automaticallybuild a gigantic sand castle leaving a hole. Place towel on hole and the placeshell on towel.

Talk to beachcomber and watch what happens. Pick up the mucusade. Go back tothe jungle.Jungle:Take the upper left path to the cafe and meet a fierce dog. Pick up the dog andautomatically change him to a Chippy-like dog. Go to the cafe.Cafe:Find sleeping customers. Talk to waitress and automatically drink the coffee.Meanwhile, back at the Fortress of Doom - Sordid looses control of the body andflies off.

Back in the coffee shop, ask for another coffee. Not much use towaken a genie up. Exit.Dealer:Take the lower left path. The path forks to left, top and back to right. At thefork of the road is the dealer. Pick up thewhistle on the road. Try talking to the dealer.Word??

Yo, What's happening? How's it hanging. Then- Word, brother. Got any salmon? He's selling Cs - caffeine for 3 Bungas.Torture Machine:Take the path to the north and see the sacrificial man. To the leftis the broken torture machine. Following the pink cord to the left screen, seethe generator not generating.

Use dog on generator and then blow the whistle.That makes the generator generate. Go back to the man and torture machine. Movethe lever and then use the whistle. Watch the torture!!!

Exit and take the leftpath to Limbo contest.Limbocontest: 3 Bungas prize to anyone who can do 10 cm. Talkto the man with the megaphone. Use the whistle and the sound of torture arises.Watch as Simon cheats and claims the 3 Bungas.BTW, Bungas mean fruits.Dealer:Talk to the dealer again.

Automatically, give the 3 Bungas to the dealer and getcaffeine tablets.Cave:Go back to the genie in the cave. Use caffeine tablets on coffee. Use coffee onbottle. Pick up/rub bottle. Wish to be back in Calypso's shop.Valleyof DoomCalypso's shop:Enter the shop. Watch Simon being obnoxious.Masala, the lion takes Simon toValley of Doom.

Watch the goblins have a briefing about Simon and Simon wakingup at the dungeon of the Fortress of Doom with Alix. Click anywhere to wakeSimon up. Try to open the door and Alix will give you her hairgrip after Simonasks for one. Obnoxious Simon goes out the door, hits Runt and meets anotherSimon. The other Simon gives you a branchlike thing and end up outside theGoblin Camp. Exit right to the map. Let us check the place.Dark Woods:Kid - See thekid that you saw at MucSwamplings and the island.

Talk to kid with magnifyingglass and he mimes that he is hungry. Go to right screen.Antiques -Enter the Antiques and start talking the woodworms. After a lengthy discussion,the woodworms say that they will carve you an ornamental figurine if you furnishthe wood. Go to extreme right until the cave.Witches' cave- Enter and meet the 3 witches of Graeaeaeaeaeaeae.

A cat leaves the cave whenyou step on its tail. Notice that the one of the witches has no teeth and hasproblem talking. The short one is deaf and the farthest one is shortsighted.Talk to them about the potion they are making. And about them having somethingyou need. They are having problems making the potion and Simon decides to helpthem.Volcano Rim:Pick up the chemical sprayand look at or pick up the Plant Spotter Guide Book.The book describes the giant plants as Eatus Felinus and secretes soporificsaliva.

Now where did we see that cat?SecludedHut: Talk to role players. They are playing in a world ofreal estates, accountants and technology. Close the door. (If you live it openthe cat by the sodas will run out the door. You can find him at the Dark Woodsagain. He will run away from you there and you can always find him back at thesecluded hut).

Pick up thehanky, sodaand the complimentary drinking straw.Pick up the stunned cat, open door and exit.Volcano Rim:Use cat on plant. The plant salivates while Simon dangles the Felinus (cat). Usesoda with drinking straw, automatically drink a soda and get an empty bottle.

Useempty bottle on saliva on ground in front of plant to get plant dribble. Goback to secluded hut to get 3 more sodas. Exit.Goblin Camp:Gate -Use plant dribble on either of the goblin's goblet. Talk to the goblins or tryto enter the camp to wake them up. They will drink and fall asleep. Pick up the conch horn on the fenceabove the farther goblin.

Enter camp.Big Tent- Go in the big tent and pick up the pepperand food ration.Exit the tent.Elf -Talk to the caged elf. He harps on hygiene. He will give you a piece of wood inexchange for perfume. He then gives you an empty perfume bottle. Use sodaon perfume bottle. Use pepper on elf.

Immediately, give hankie to elf and theperfume bottle with soda. If not fast enough, you can redo the sequence -pepper, hankie, perfume bottle. The elf will then give the wood. Go to leftscreen.Gamblinggoblins - See 2 goblins gamble and notice that the big goblin constantlywins by getting 2 sixes using his dice. Pour soda on fire and immediately pickup the goblin stuffin front of the big goblin.

A fight ensues. Pick up the dice left behind. Thereis now an empty bottlein inventory. Exit the goblin camp.Dark Woods:Kid -Give the food ration first to the kid. Then give him soda. The food ration willinflate in his stomach and he drops themagnifying glass. Pick it up.Antique- Go to the woodworms and give them the wood.

They will make wooden teeth from it. Goto the witches' cave.Witches'cave - Give the magnifying glass to shortsighted witch.

Give the conch hornto deaf witch and give the teeth to witch with no teeth. They make the potionthat will change one to an animal, in this case a dog. Use empty bottle to get potion.

Exit.Secludedhut: Use potion on role players. One of the playersdrinks the potion and changes to a dog. Ask to join and automatically pick upthe dog. During your turn to play for the interior decorator role ask to useyour own dice. You will win a wallpaper catalogue. Look at thepuppy andSimon says it is very quiet.

Exit.Goblin's camp:Go to the farthest left screen. Enter the skull's mouth. The 2 flying pigs guardthe gate and will not let you in. Go back and they will ask if you are theinterior decorator and after showing the catalogue will let you in.Fortress:Pick up the tapestry on right wall.Stairway- Enter stairway on the left.

Try to pick up the goblin sweat using the bottlebut it is too shallow. Use tapestry on sweat and then after soaking up thesweat, use tapestry on chemical sprayer. The chemical sprayer now hasgoblin sweat.

A game about a black tiger. This page contains Cheats for Life Of Black Tiger organized by sections for iPhone - iPad. This game has 'Action' as genre, made by Oh Minhoo, released on Jul 4, 2014. If you can't find a hint or secret in our list, then please check this page periodically for the latest updates. The machine levels are 1 through 8. In addition, the cost is different between Black Tiger and the clone Black Dragon. Equipment in Black Dragon tends to be higher in price. There will be two prices listed. The top price is for Black Tiger while the bottom price is for Black Dragon. Life of Black Tiger is a mobile game ported to the PS4 where you play as an emo tiger fighting the wild and humanity to save his cute baby. Life Of Black Tiger is an Action Adventure game, developed and published by 1Games, which was released in 2017. No FAQs/Guides/Maps - Be the first to submit one! No cheats - Be the first to submit one! No reviews - Be the first to submit one! 1 Critic Reviews (Average: 0.50/5). Life of black tiger walkthrough.

Pull/move lever and the lights go out.Eeriepassage - Enter the eerie passage to the north and see the foul mutant hellspawn pig. Click on Simon to revive him. He/they/security would not let youpass. Try to sneak up the stairs. Mutant pig hears you because he has 47 ears.Exit automatically. Go back in and get this - wear puppies - the Quiet puppy -remember (Hush puppies!).

Simon magically changes the puppy into furry shoes. Wear furryshoes. Still the security can smell you because they are used to goblin smell.Exit automatically. Go back in and first spray goblin sweat on yourself by usingchemical spray.

Then wear the furry shoes. Automatically, climb the stairs intostairs surrounded by lava.Laboratory- Walk to right end of screen bypassing Runt watching a belly dancer. Check outthe palm print identifier.

Pick up screwdriver.Go to right of screen and use screwdriver onSordid's hand attached to the big Sordid body.Go back to left screen. Use Sordid's hand on palm print identifier. The casebeside it opens. Pick up the Time stick.Meet Runt on the way back down. Sit back and watch until the end of the credits.Will Sordid conquer the world?Simon the Sorcerer II is done.Story to be continued on Simon 3D.This document may not be distributed without express written permission ofthe author and the content may not be altered in any way.For Questions or Comments on this Walkthrough,Please write to:Copyright © 4/2002.

Question: 'Who was Simon the Sorcerer?' Answer:Simon the Sorcerer, sometimes referred to as Simon Magus or Simon of Gitta, is mentioned by Luke in Acts 8:9–24. He appeared in the wake of the newly established church in Samaria.

A minor figure in New Testament history, Simon also appears in in which his character and biography are expanded upon, but these accounts are unlikely to be historically reliable due to the nature of these writings and their anonymous authors.It is not clear where Simon was born. In the book of Acts it is stated that he “amazed all the people of Samaria” (Acts 8:9), but the account does not identify him as a Samaritan himself. Christian apologist Justin Martyr is believed to have propagated the idea that Simon was a Samaritan from the city of Gitta, and this has been accepted in early church tradition and today by some church historians.

The Jew called Simon who “pretended to be a magician” is referred to by the historian Josephus ( Antiquities of the Jews, book 20, chapter 7), but this appears to be a different historical figure, as he was born in Cyprus.Sorcery, which is strongly condemned by God (Deuteronomy 18:9–13), was common in the ancient world, and, while some acts and demonstrations were no more than illusions of the mind, others were empowered by Satan in an attempt to discredit the power of God (Matthew 24:24; 2 Thessalonians 2:9). It appears Simon was the latter, as Luke states that he had amazed the Samaritans “for a long time with his sorcery” (Acts 8:11), some even declaring that he was “the great Power of God” (Acts 8:10), a messianic title. Interestingly, however, Simon’s empowerment by Satan did not include loyalty to the demonic.

In the wake of hearing and seeing the disciple Philip “as he proclaimed the good news of the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ' (Acts 8:12), Simon was baptized into the early church and “followed Philip everywhere” (Acts 8:13).The Bible says that “the Holy Spirit had not yet come” upon the Samaritans (Acts 8:16). Later, the apostles Peter and John arrived, at which time the Spirit came upon the believers. Simon witnessed this event and “offered them money and said, ‘Give me also this ability so that everyone on whom I lay my hands may receive the Holy Spirit’” (Acts 8:19–20). At this point, Peter strongly reprimands Simon for his greed and states that he needs to “repent of this wickedness and pray to the Lord in the hope that he may forgive you for having such a thought in your heart” (Acts 8:22). Fearful of the apostle’s words, Simon pleads with Peter to pray to the Lord on his behalf.After this event, the Bible never again refers to Simon the Sorcerer. It would appear, contrary to apocryphal and Gnostic texts that seek to glorify his role as sorcerer and his previous satanic abilities, that Simon was repentant and may have continued to be a member of the local church in Samaria. However, Justin Martyr and other Christian apologists like Irenaeus insist he was an antichrist and continued his sorcery, even founding Gnosticism itself.

The greed of Simon is recalled in the modern word simony, “using religion as a means of profit.”Contemporary Christians should take from the account of Simon that the church, even today, must be careful of those claiming to possess supernatural abilities, and those claiming to be Christians who desire to “buy the gift of God with money,” for their 'heart is not right before God” (Acts 8:20–21).Recommended Resource.

Simon The Sorcerer 2 Walkthrough
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