Okami Walkthrough

Okami Walkthrough

Okami Walkthrough Average ratng: 4,6/5 7968 votes

Okami HD Walkthrough Part 15 - North Ryoshima Coast, Catcall Tower, Watcher's Cape by xPinrose331x. Okami HD Walkthrough Part 16 - Dragon Palace, Inside the Dragon by xPinrose331x. Okami HD Walkthrough Part 17 - Evil Rao Boss Fight, Oni Island Pt. For Okami HD on the PlayStation 4, Spoiler-Free Walkthrough by twilightL.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=OKAMI WALKTHROUGH=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Version: 1.06Author: MattAdotEmail: mattadot@hotmail.com=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Table of Contents Quick-Find Code-1) Introduction. #INTRO2) Glossary. #GLSRY3) Brush Techniques.

#BRSHT4) Divine Instruments (Weapons). #WEAPN5) Walkthrough. #WKTHR5.01) River of the Heavens and Cave of Nagi. #RH&CN5.02) Kamiki Village.

#KMKIV5.03) Hana Valley. #HNAVL5.04) Shinshu Field. #SHNSH5.05) Kamiki Revisited. #KMKRV5.06) Agata Forest. #AGTFRMini-Boss #1. #MNBS15.07) Tsuta Ruins. #TSTRNBoss #1.

#BOSS15.08) Agata Again. #AGTAG5.09) Taka Pass. #TKAPSMini-Boss #2.

#MNBS25.10) Kusa Village. #KUSAVMini-Boss #3. #MNBS35.11) Sasa Sanctuary.

#SSSCTMini-Boss #4. #MNBS45.12) 'A DOG-gone difficult quest'. #DGQSTMini-Boss #5. #MNBS5Mini-Boss #6. #MNBS65.13) Gale Shrine. #GLSHNBoss #2.

#BOSS25.14) Before the Rendezvous. #BFRDV5.15) Moon Cave.

#MNCAVBoss #3. #BOSS35.16) City Checkpoint. #CTYCH5.17) Ryoshima Coast. #RYSHM5.18) Sei-an City. #SNCTY5.19) Sunken Ship. #SKSHP5.20) Imperial Palace.

#IMPPLBoss #4. #BOSS45.21) Homecoming. #HMCMG5.22) Sei-an Sequel.

#SNSQL5.23) North Ryoshima Coast. #NRYCT5.24) Catcall Tower. #CTCLL5.25) N. Ryoshima Redux. #RYSHR5.26) Dragon Palace. #DRGPL5.27) Dragon Bowels. #DRGBLMini-Boss #7.

#MNBS75.28) Revelations. #RVLTNMini-Boss #8. #MNBS85.29) Oni Island. #ONISLBoss #5.

#BOSS55.30) Backtracking 101. #BT1015.31) Kamui. #KAMUIMini-Boss #9. #MNBS95.32) Wep'keer. #WP'KR5.33) Ezofuji. #EZFJI5.34) Yoshpet. #YSHPT5.35) Ponc'tan.

#PNCTN5.36) Inner Yoshpet. #INYSP5.37) Spirit Gate. #SPTGTMini-Boss #10. #MBS10Boss #6. #BOSS65.38) Wawku Shrine. #WKSHRBoss #7. #BOSS7Boss #8.

#BOSS85.39) Loose Ends. #LSEND5.40) Devil Gate Trio. #DGTRI5.41) The Ark of Yamato. #AKOYMFinal Boss. #FNLBS6) Version History.

#VSHST7) Contact Info. #CNTCT8) Legal Stuff. #LGSTF9) Credits. #CRDTS-1) Introduction #INTRO-My walkthrough philosophy consists of three priorities, and these three thingsare what I offer my reader:1) CompletenessOK. I'll admit it.

I'm a completionist. When I play a video game I like toknow that I've found and achieved everything possible in that game. In fact,if any stone is left unturned I don't consider myself done. Sometimes I evenlose sleep. No joke.So, while there are several very good guides for this game already there arenone I've found to satisfy my completionist needs. That will therefore be mymain priority in writing this guide.

You, my reader, hereby have my solemnpromise to provide for you the most complete guide I can, including everyquest, every side-quest, every item, every weapon, every treasure, every bitof praise, and any other miscellaneous objectives along the way.The only thing I won't include is the myriad of breakable objects like vasesand trees. These objects respawn after breaking so it's nearly impossible tobe sure you've broken every one. It's also almost completely unrewarding tobreak them all. The yen that they yield is a pitiful amount and your AstralPouch can only hold so much food.

They do also give you Feedbags, but thoseare not unique and can be easily bought from any merchant. Of course, everybit helps, so I suggest you break whatever you find along the way. I justwon't direct you to do so since it's not something I consider necessary forcompleteness.Of course, one can never really be sure that they have completed everythingpossible in a game. For this I will require my readers' help. If there isanything that you think I've missed, please inform me, even if it's just aFeedbag.2) OrganizationA guide should be, in my opinion, not only complete but also succinct and easyto follow. A well structured guide should be easily navigable.

With thatin mind I've implemented a kind of keyword system. Every section of this guidehas been given a unique code in the Table of Contents.

To quickly find yourdesired section simply highlight the code, then simply press Ctrl-C (copy),Ctrl-F (find), Ctrl-V (paste), and Enter. This will cause your browser to'Find' the next place in the guide where that code is used, bringing you tothat section. This is probably pretty standard for those of you familiar withFAQs, but I thought I should explain it for the sake of clarity.I also believe that a player should spend more time playing the actual gamethan reading a walkthrough.

I will therefore try to be very concise in mydirections, while still being thorough. Effing worms 2 unblocked games 77. Basically, this means explaining whatto do but not why you do it.

Most importantly, I will keep my personalcommentary to a minimum. I'd love to dazzle my reader with my eloquent prose,but aside from this introduction I will refrain.3) No SpoilersThis is my third priority, but still VERY important. I can't even remember thenumber of times a game's plot has been spoiled for me. Often times I don'tthink people even realize they are spoiling the plot. With that in mind I willdo my best to avoid revealing anything about the plot to my readers. Thisspecifically means the following:. No plot summary.

The game reveals the plot exactly how the designers wantedit to be. My input is unnecessary. No boss names. This is the most common way to spoil a game. It might notseem like a big deal, but knowing who your enemies are is often the mostsignificant part of the plot.

Suffice it to say I will only refer to bosses bythe order in which you fight them. No unnecessary explanation of people, places, objects, or even themes.Anything that plants expectation, doubt, or suspicion in my readers' minds is aspoiler. The only explanation I will give is what is necessary to complete thegame.It may seem like I'm being overly cautious, but I would rather err on the sideof safety. If there is ANYTHING in this guide that someone considers a spoilerplease let me know and I will try to change it.-2) Glossary #GLSRY-Here I will explain a few of the terms I'll be using throughout this guide justto make sure we're all on the same page. These are basically just definitions,but I will also offer some advice on how some of these aspects should be usedin the game.Ammy-That's you, Amaterasu, the player character. I may occasionally slip up andcall Ammy 'she' even though the game never clearly states Ammy's gender. Bearwith me.Celestial Brush-Um.

It's a paintbrush you use to alter reality. Wish I could give a betterexplanation, but its just kind of a mysterious tool.Praise-Basically this is the equivalent of experience or exp in RPG terms. You use itto upgrade your stats. Unlike most RPGs you wont get it from random battles butrather from completing various objectives, blooming plants, feeding animals,etc.Solar Energy-That's health, hit points, or HP. As far as upgrading Solar Energy, I don'tconsider it a priority of your stats.

Take a couple more units of energy, butthen spend your praise elsewhere. You shouldn't plan on taking a beating, andyou should be fighting battles too quickly to get hit. Yeah, fighting withouttaking damage takes practice, but don't give yourself that crutch to fall backon. Just say no.Sun Fragments-These are collectable items you can use to increase your Solar Energy. Everythird one you get increases your Energy by one. Just another reason not tospend your early praise on Solar Energy. You'll be getting more health evenwithout spending praise.Ink or Ink Pots-Somewhat like mana, magic points, or MP.

You use ink pots to performtechniques with your Celestial Brush. This is my priority as far as praisegoes.

Having ink to spare is very handy. Also, running out of Ink totallygimps Ammy. She'll lose her weapon entirely and certain special moves, so youdon't want to run out of Ink at the wrong time. Like I said, buy a couple moreunits of energy and then focus on this.Astral Pouch-Essentially it's an extra life or a 1-up.

If you run out of Solar Energy theAstral Pouch gives you a second chance. Of course it only works if it's fullof food that you've collected (it's not hard to keep full). You can upgradethe Pouch with praise to give you more 1-ups, but it's really not a priority.Don't plan on dying. Focus on Solar Energy before this.Purse-Holds your money or yen with which you buy various items. Upgrading this withpraise adds another digit to the max amount it can hold. Generally I waituntil I have half of my max (i.e.

50,000 yen) and then save up my praise toupgrade the Purse. Then at 500,000 I start saving again.

It's not reallynecessary, but I'd hate to think that yen was going to waste just because Ididn't have room for it, and some techniques are really expensive.Godhood-The instruction book and the game don't really explain this very well. This isbasically a shield that absorbs hits from enemies so you don't take damage. Itis depicted during battle at the bottom left corner of the screen. There arethree levels of Godhood: green, yellow, and red in descending order. Eachlevel absorbs one hit from any foe.So, for example, if your Godhood is green and you get hit your Godhood will godown to yellow. If you get hit again it goes down to red and so forth.

Apicture of nothing in the bottom left corner means your Godhood is zero and youwill take damage from attacks. A skull symbol will appear if you run frombattle, drown in water, die in cursed zones, etc. This is negative Godhood,and as the game says this 'weakens' you. As far as I can tell this 'weakening'only makes you take more damage, not deal less with your weapons.Godhood increases levels by striking foes. The exact formula used to determinehow your hits figure in to Godhood is unclear. It seems though that the moreindividual hits you strike and the higher your combo counter, the faster yourGodhood increases.Demon Fangs-A type of trade currency. You can give your Fangs to collectors in exchangefor some very useful artifacts.

How do you get Fangs? Good question.1) Loading screens. If you see a blank loading screen tap X as fast as youcan. You'll see a pawprint appear every time you press X and if you hit itenough times you'll see a Demon Fang appear. If you see a loading screen withpawprints progressing from left to right tap the X button in rhythm with thesteps. Each pawprint will appear larger than it would otherwise, and if youcorrectly time all five you will see a picture of a Demon Fang instead of asilhouette of Issun.

It's hard to perfect the timing, but even mashing thebutton works if you do it at the right speed.NOTE!!! This particular method of obtaining Fangs from loading screens can onlybe used in the PS2 version of the game. Wii players, please defer to thefollowing strategies2) Flora Finishers. When you deplete an enemy's health the game will brieflyslow down time and the enemy will go into its death animation (usually someform of lurching into the air). At this point you must perform a Brushtechnique on the enemy to make it release a Fang. The specific technique youhave to use varies depending on the enemy.

In my guide I will write inparentheses next to each monster's name which technique must be used to get theFang. Anyway, make sure you actually kill the enemy first and then use yourBrush once they have no health left. If you use the Brush technique as thekilling blow they won't release Fangs, and you wont be able to use a FloraFinisher.3) Other battle techniques. You can buy Golden Fury and Brown Rage techniquesfrom a dojo. These techniques can be used in battle to make enemies dropFangs.

Also blocking melee attacks with a reflector as a sub-weapon usuallycauses a Fang to drop. If you performed all three of these on one enemy plus aFlora Finisher you could potentially get more than 5 Fangs per enemy!Anyway, start collecting Fangs early. The sooner you get those artifacts themore useful they will be.Origin Mirror-A save point. It goes without saying, use them often.

Later in the game someof them will be used as warp points to quickly travel around Nippon. I'llexplain more about that when we get there.Stray Beads-There are 100 of these items in the game that you can collect. They areessentially useless, but if you collect them all you will receive a verypowerful artifact that makes you invincible, gives you infinite ink, andincrease the damage you deal by ten fold.

You can only use it, however, on anew game after beating your first game, so don't get too excited. If youdon't care about this artifact, don't bother collecting any of the Stray Beads.Other Stuff-Oh yes, there's plenty of other terms to define, but it's not really necessaryto understand it all at this point. I'll deal with the rest of it as we comeacross it in the game.-3) Brush Techniques #BRSHT-This will be a brief explanation of the various Brush skills you learnthroughout the game. I'll explain their multiple effects, how best to usethem, and when you learn them in the game.Rejuvenation-This is the first technique you learn, gained from Yomigami in the River of theHeavens, and used to restore broken or missing things.

For the most part thistechnique is only used to make paths (e.g. Restoring bridges so you can cross),and few times to advance the plot.Issun explains this technique well so just do as he says.

Hold down R1, andpress the triangle button down hard to paint wide strokes. Use as many strokesas you need to cover the area. It doesn't really matter how sloppily you do itas long as you cover the area to be restored.Power Slash-This skill is learned from Tachigami in the Cave of Nagi.

Use it anytime youwant to cut or break something. Slash pots, vases, and trees to break them,Slash enemies to damage them, or Slash enemy projectiles to deflect them.

Thistechnique is really one of the most useful and versatile in the game.To use this skill simply paint a single horizontal line over what you want toSlash. When targeting one object it is best to keep the line short.

You don'tneed to draw across the screen. A small hyphen-like line will do.

Whentargeting multiple objects you can either draw long lines, or maneuver thecamera so all the targets are aligned.When drawing long lines it may be easier to hold X while you draw, but itreally just takes practice to draw straight lines. Also, the line doesn't haveto be perfectly horizontal. Generally anything less then 45 degrees fromhorizontal will do.Power Slash 2 - This upgrade, bought from the spring inside the grotto inN. Ryoshima, makes Power Slash more powerful. Basically this means that itdoes more damage to enemies, and it can be used to break various iron rocksaround NipponPower Slash 3 - This upgrade, bought from the grotto in Ezofuji, makes yourSlash even more powerful. It does more damage to enemies, and can now breakthe diamond rocks that are lying around Nippon.Sunrise-This technique is gained in Kamiki Village from Ammy herself.

Use it to drawa sun in the sky and turn night into day.Basically, you just angle the camera upward and draw a circle in the sky. Justabout any patch of sky will do as long as there isn't too much clutter betweenyou and the sky. I find it easiest to start at the top of the circle andquickly rotate the analog stick 360 degrees. Also, make sure the circle isfully closed, and make sure to draw the circle with only one stroke.

Onceagain, small circles are easier to draw than large ones, so keep them small.Bloom-This Greensprout skill is learned from Sakigami in Hana Valley. Use it torestore the flora throughout Nippon.

It can make dead trees burst to life,cleanse cursed patches of grass, and spontaneously create flowers and trees inthe ground.To Bloom trees simply draw a circle around the tree you want to Bloom. Drawthe circle the same way you would with a Sunrise. Also, like Power Slash, youcan target multiple trees at once if you draw the circle around more than oneat a time.To create flowers and restore cursed patches of grass, simply draw somesquiggles on the ground. You can tell where you are able to draw flowers bythe green smoke at the tip of your Brush when you scroll over the ground.Restoring cursed grass is a lot like Rejuvenation, but I find it easier to usesquare instead of triangle.To sprout trees just paint a dot on the ground where you see the Brush's greensmoke.

This particular skill can be used in battle as well. Sprout a tree andnearby enemies will be slightly damaged as well as briefly stunned.Cherry Bomb-This technique is learned from Bakugami at the pyrotechnist's house in ShinshuField. Use Cherry Bombs to break open cracked walls and floors, and to damageenemies.To draw a Bomb takes two Brushstrokes. First draw a circle like you would forSunrise or Bloom.

Next, draw a line that crosses the circle's perimeter. Thegame says to draw a line that pierces the circle from the outside, but I findit easier to draw the line starting inside the circle and extending outward.The direction of the line does not matter at all, so place the line however youlike.The tricky thing about Cherry Bombs, and the thing to master, is accurateplacement. The size of your Bomb drawing does not affect the Bomb's size, butrather the placement of the Bomb. Small Bombs appear far away from the camera,and large Bombs appear closer. For the most accurate placement move the cameraso you are looking down from overhead.Cherry Bomb 2 - This upgrade, bought from the spring in N.

Ryoshima, letsyou have 2 Bombs on the screen at one time. You can't actually draw 2 Bombssimultaneously, though. You have to draw on Bomb, release R1, then drawanother.Cherry Bomb 3 - This upgrade, bought from the spring in Kamui, allows you tohave 3 Bombs on screen at once. Again you have to draw them all separately.Water Lily-This Greensprout skill is learned from Hasugami when you return to KamikiVillage after restoring Shinshu Field. Water Lily is used to create platformson the surface of water for Ammy to stand on. This can prevent Ammy fromdrowning and give you a stepping-stone from which you can jump to higherground.

Also notice, when you get Galestorm, that you can blow Lilies aroundin the water with your wind power.You know how to draw a circle by now, so Lilies should be simple. Just draw acircle on the water and a Lily will appear.Vine-This Greensprout move is learned from Tsutagami in the Tsuta Ruins. Vine isused to reach distant or hard to reach areas, as well as to lift or pull someobjects that have hooks.

In either case, Vine can only be used in he presenceof a Konohana Blossom.To drag Ammy through the air, draw a line from a Blossom to Ammy's body. Youwill know that you've drawn the line correctly if your Brush smokes green atthe beginning and the end of the line. The line does not have to be straight,but you do have to be close enough to the Blossom for it to open.

If theBlossom is closed you have to be closer to it to start drawing the Vine.To use Vine on hooked objects merely draw the vine from the Blossom to the hookon the object. The same rules apply here. Get close enough to the Blossom tomake it open, and make sure you see green smoke when you start and end theline.Watersprout-This ability is learned from Nuregami at the spa in Sasa Sanctuary. Use it totransport water from one place to another. This can be used to fill containerswith liquid, douse fires, or to attack some enemies.

It can also be used oncertain bubbling spots of water called power springs to create geysers you canride on.To transport water simply place your Brush over an existing water source likea pond or pool. Make sure you see blue smoke, then draw a line to your target.To make geysers place your Brush on the power spring, watch for the blue smoke,then draw a line upward. For some reason long lines don't seem to work well,so just draw a short vertical line.Fountain - This facet of Watersprout, learned at the Dragon Palace, allows youto travel between Mermaid Springs without consuming Mermaid Coins. This willmake travel around Nippon much cheaper.To use fountain simply draw a spiral on top of the Mermaid Spring. You candraw it spiraling in or out, clockwise or counterclockwise. It doesn'tmatter.Deluge - This subdivision of Watersprout is learned at Himiko's Palace afterreturning from Oni Island.

Use it to create a downfall of rain and douseeverything on the screen. In battle this can be used to stun large groups ofenemies.To create rain draw two vertical lines from the top down. Again, you may findit easier to draw straight lines if you hold X while drawing. The longer thelines you draw the harder the downpour.Crescent-This technique is learned from Yumigami after catching the Whopper in AgataForest. Use it to draw a moon in the sky and turn day into night.To draw the Crescent correctly you have to draw a backwards C-shape, with thegap facing left. A normal C-shape will not work. Also, make sure to use onlyone Brushstroke.

I find it easier to draw it from the top down.Galestorm-This skill is learned from Kazegami at the top of Gale Shrine. Use it tosummon gusts of wind to extinguish fires, disperse piles of leaves, propelyour floating Lily pads, and bring down flying enemies.You can draw a Galestorm two different ways: a loop or a spiral. A loopblows wind from side to side.

Start on the side you want the wind to comefrom, and draw the loop in the direction you want the wind to blow. Basically,a loop is like a circle except the beginning and end of the stroke extend tocross each other. It's an X shape with the top two points connected. Thespiral blows wind forward. Again, it does not matter in which direction youdraw the spiral.For both shapes, the size of the drawing determines the strength of the wind.Large drawings summon large gusts and small drawings summon small gust. Allsizes use the same amount of ink.Whirlwind - This facet of Galestorm is learned at Umi's restaurant in N.Ryoshima.

Use it to summon a wind storm that stuns and damages all enemies onthe screen. This works similar to Deluge, but certain elements work better ondifferent enemies.To draw a Whirlwind draw three horizontal lines. If you can draw a Power Slashyou can draw a Whirlwind easily. Once again, the size of the drawingdetermines the size of the storm. Three large lines will summon a short butpowerful storm, while three short lines will summon a long but mild storm.Inferno-This ability is learned from Moegami in the Moon Cave. Use it to transportfire from place to place. This is useful for melting ice, lighting cannonfuses, and attacking enemies.Draw Inferno just like Watersprout.

Place your brush over an existing firesource, wait to see the red smoke, then draw a line to whatever you want toignite. The line does not have to be straight, but you must begin and end theline with your Brush smoking red.Fireburst - Learn this subdivision of Inferno at Yama's teahouse in Sei-anCity. Use Fireburst to summon a burning fireball without an existing firesource. The fireball will burn everything near it.The easiest way to draw a Fireburst is to draw a figure 8. Don't bother tryingto draw it sideways to resemble the infinity symbol. An 8 works fine.

Also,the game shows the symbol drawn starting from the center, but you don't haveto start there. I find it easiest to start at the top, draw an S-shape, thendrag the Brush back to the start. Other people may find it easier to draw itsome other way. Just find a way that works for you and practice it.Also, the size of the 8 determines the size of the fireball.

Large Fireburstsconsume more ink, and are usually unnecessary. When you want to light a singletarget just keep your 8's small. It's easier to draw them small anyway.Veil of Mist-This technique is learned from Kasugami inside the Imperial Palace. Use Mistto slow down time, essentially making Ammy super-fast. This is especiallyuseful in battle for attacking and avoiding enemies.Drawing Mist is just as easy as drawing Power Slashes. Just draw 2 horizontallines instead of one.Mist Warp - This facet of Veil of Mist is learned by buying the Fog Pot fromthe Emperor in Sei-an City.

Use Mist Warp to travel instantly between thelarge Origin Mirrors with X's on them.To warp, step onto the platform in front of a Mirror so that the camera showsa first-person view of the Mirror. Draw an X over the preexisting X on theMirror, and you can then choose a destination to warp to.Catwalk-Learn Catwalk from Kabegami at the top of Catcall Tower. Use Catwalk to climbvertical walls and cliffs to reach places that were previously inaccessible.To use catwalk you must be in the presence of a Kabegami statue. When you arenear a statue, just place your Brush over the statue and you should see purplesmoke emit from your Brush. Now draw a line from the statue going up the wallyou wish to climb.

Footprints will now appear on the wall. Finally, jumpagainst the wall and tap X again in mid-air to grip the wall. Keep jumping andgripping to climb higher.Thunderstorm-This ability is learned from Gekigami on Oni Island. Use it to transportElectricity from one place to another in order to zap enemies, power certainmachines, and open chests.Thunderstorm works just like Inferno or Watersprout. Place your brush over asource of lightning and wait to see yellow smoke. Draw the line to what youwant to zap, then release the line when you see yellow smoke again.Thunderbolt - Learn this facet of Thunderstorm by helping Gen in Sei-anCity. You may have guessed that this lets you summon lightning without apreexisting source.This is another shape that can be hard to draw.

Basically you want to draw aZ-shape that points down like a lightning bolt. The Z-shape can zigzag left orright, but make sure your Z has sharp angles.Once again, the size of your drawing directly affects the power and ink cost ofthe Thunderbolt. Smaller ones are easier to draw, but you may want to practicelarger ones so you can hit many enemies at once.Blizzard-This final technique is learned from Itegami in Wawku Shrine.

Use Blizzard tofreeze things, extinguish fires, create ice platforms, and harm enemies.Blizzard works just like Inferno, Thunderstorm, etc. Place your brush over apreexisting source of ice, see the blue smoke, draw a line to what you want tofreeze.

To make ice platforms simply drag the line over any place where yousee floating ice crystals in the air. There aren’t many sources of ice orfloating ice crystals in the game so this power is really only useful in WawkuShrine.The game keeps it somewhat secret, but you can actually use Blizzard without anice source, much like Fireburst or Thunderbolt. Draw an X like you would forMist Warp, then draw a vertical line or a horizontal line crossing the centerof the X. The drawing should resemble a six-sided star or snowflake.

Theresulting effect will cause a blizzard, freezing everything in the area andharming enemies. The size of the drawing is directly proportional to the size,power, and ink cost of the resulting blizzard.The only time the game shows you this facet of the Blizzard skill is in theBoss fight #5. If you let the boss draw some symbols with her own brush shewill draw this snowflake pretty often.-4) Divine Instruments (Weapons) #WEAPN-Combat is a huge part of Okami and in my opinion the most fun.

A lot of thingswill affect how you fight off your foes, but I find that the single mostinfluential thing that affects how you fight is the type of weapon you choose.There are many different weapons in Okami, but all of them fall into one ofthree categories. Weapons of each category are essentially the same except forthe amount of damage they do.

For this reason I will simply address eachcategory rather than each weapon.Also, once you buy certain techniques from a dojo you will most likely want touse the same type of weapon for both your main and sub-weapons. This willincrease the damage they deal.

However, some of these techniques you get latein the game, and in the beginning your options will be limited. Hence I willexplain separately how each weapon type is used as both main and sub-weapons.Rosaries - Main-Pros:These are the weakest of the three types of weapons, but they also have thelongest range.

In fact the range on these is astonishing! Typically you cansimply stand in the middle of the 'demon realm' and hit anything within theborders.These are therefore great weapons for keeping enemies at a distance. Any enemythat has to be close to you to hurt you (i.e. Melee attacks) will typicallyfall victim to the Rosaries before they can close the distance.Rosaries also hit very fast, often multiple times every time you press thesquare button.

That means they build your combo counter fast which means theyfill your Godhood better than any other weapon.Cons:They just don't do much damage. They certainly hit fast, but in my experienceit usually takes longer to kill something with the Rosaries because they don'thit hard.

If you're not careful this could end up giving you less of a yenbonus at the end of battle.Any enemy with projectiles or long range attacks will be a problem. Rosariessimply don't hit hard enough to bring these guys down before they can hit you,so you'll have to do some dancing around. Basically, you've lost your rangeadvantage with these enemies.Rosaries - Sub-Pros:A great projectile attack. Basically it has an infinite range, it's fast, andit auto-targets to boot! I've never seen it miss (although it can be defendedagainst). Great fun for button mashers and those who like to shoot stuff froma distance.Different rosaries have different types of projectiles.

The first set of beadsyou get and every other one thereafter shoots a single bead straight forward atan enemy. The second and fourth sets you get shoot multiple beads that fan outin front of Ammy. Typically the stronger weapons hit harder and fire faster.Cons:Again, it's weak. You'll end up taking longer to kill stuff and your hand willbe tired from the mashing. Also there seems to be a limit to how much you canfire at once (kind of like running out of ammunition). Fire a whole bunch ofbeads and Ammy won't be able to fire again for a brief while. The strongerweapons seem to be able to fire more before running out, but they all seem tohave the same reload time.Reflectors - Main-Pros and Cons:You'll get closely acquainted with these since they are your first weapon.These are the middle-of-the-road weapons.

Average range, average speed,average damage. Their strengths are the same as their weaknesses. They areaverage.This means they are useful in any situation, whether you are fighting meleeenemies or long range enemies, whether your fighting tanks with tons of Healthor fast hitting fighters.

Got an enemy that needs killing? The reflectorwill get the job done.

It may be average but its reliable.One thing to be said for the reflector is that it is the first weapon for whichyou can get the technique to increase its damage by equipping them as both suband main weapons. This makes them pretty good power-hitters until you canupgrade the glaive.Reflectors - Sub-Pros:The greatest strength of the reflector is as a sub-weapon. Basically you canuse it as a momentary shield to block incoming attacks. It takes some practiceto time it right, but it is invaluable if you can master it.I hear a lot of strategies that involve dancing around the enemies, avoidingtheir attacks and looking for an opening. This sub-weapon, however, opens up anew world of possibilities. Instead of running from monsters you can standwith them toe to toe, and instead of looking for an opening you can make yourown.

For example if you use this move to block a melee attack you willinstantly counter-attack by slamming your opponent into the ground. Thiscounter-attack does a lot of damage as well.Additionally the block even works on bosses! The counter-attack doesn't workon bosses, but still blocking their attacks is a great and underrated strategy.Some attacks that bosses use are difficult to avoid, but with a simple tap ofthe triangle button they are harmless. Also, bosses are often only vulnerableto attack after they have attacked. Avoiding attacks means you have to wastetime closing the distance between you and the boss before you can attack.Blocking, however, keeps you at close range so you can immediately fight back.Lastly, blocking usually nets you a demon fang. It's only once perenemy, but they add up.Overall, a very useful sub-weapon, and probably the most underrated move in thegame.

All pros.Glaives - Main-Pros:These are the power-hitters, and they can hit REALLY hard. They don't have thespeed or range of the other weapons, but they can decimate foes with a singleswipe. Basically it's the sniper philosophy: One shot, one kill.Of course, getting used to the glaive can take some practice. The idea is thatyou need to charge each swing of the glaive by holding down the square buttonand then releasing it at the most opportune moment. You could simply mash thesquare button like you might with the other weapons, but then you'd only bedealing about the same damage as you would with a reflector.

This is theimportant thing to realize with glaives: instead of striking every time youpress the square button you strike every time you release the square button.What that means is that you want to get into a slow rhythm, holding each swingof your combo for about a second before releasing it.Do it right and you'll be surprised by how much extra damage you can do. Toughenemies that took dozens of attacks from rosaries can be destroyed with justone or two hits from a glaive.The greatest thing about this is that you can use down time to your advantage.For instance, when you first enter a normal battle with a demon scroll itusually takes a few seconds for the enemy to appear. In the mean time you cancharge your first glaive swing to full power and kill the enemy as soon as hepops up. Also in boss fights, while you're waiting for them to let down theirdefenses you can charge your glaive.

If they only let down their defense for asecond, the glaive is the best way to take advantage of that second.Cons:Um. Personally I love glaives, but they do have their disadvantages. Like Isaid, charging them can take some getting used to. Rhythm is sometimes moredifficult than button mashing.

Also, glaives have a short range so you will bechasing down your foes instead of hitting them from afar. They also have nomid-air combo, only a single hit. This makes fighting flying enemies a hassleunless you can bring them to the ground with a Power Slash or the like. Iusually switch weapons. Lastly, charging your Godhood can take longer sinceyou won't be racking up lots of individual hits.Glaives - Sub-Pros:Glaives as a sub-weapon basically provide another charged attack.

Just press,hold, and release triangle to attack your enemies. This particular swingdepends on the level of glaive used. The first, third, and fifth glaivesattack laterally, swinging and lunging forward in the direction Ammy is facing.The second and fourth glaives resemble an uppercut, which is useful forattacking aerial enemies or anyone above you. Charge either swing just like youwould a normal swing, and it can be very powerful.Another good way to use this attack is to jump into the air and then presstriangle. This will make Ammy dive toward the nearest enemy, riding theglaive sub-weapon. This is an excellent way to catch up with an enemy that isfar away.

Also, since it is auto-targeting you can use it to find enemies thatare off the screen.Cons:Unfortunately glaives are probably the least useful sub-weapons. The chargedswing is nice, but Ammy cannot move while you charge it! Remaining stationaryis not a good idea, so it’s best to rely on the main weapon.The mid-air attack is useful for its auto-targeting ability, but it also hasits flaws. You can’t charge it very long while your in the air because youwill fall to the ground before long. Also at the end of the dive Ammy’s glaivewill stick in the ground and it will take Ammy a moment to retrieve it. Thiscan leave you vulnerable to attack.Basically you only want to have a glaive as a sub-weapon if you also have aglaive as a main weapon, so that your damage from the main weapon is increased.Otherwise, use a reflector or some rosaries.-5) Walkthrough #WKTHR-A few things before I start:For those who skipped my wordy introduction, this is a completionist guide. Iwill try my best to cover every single thing you can accomplish in this game.The only thing I will not cover is breakable objects.

For the reasons statedin my intro I don't consider these a necessary objective for completeness.Each section of this guide will have a checklist of the items, praise, etc.that are obtainable at that moment. Obviously, there will be certain thingsyou can't yet get, and these won't be listed. I will cover these later ofcourse. Each category in the checklist and in the walkthrough will have itsown symbol (. for collectable itemsfor Praisefor Brush techniques,and for other miscellaneous objectives), and each objective in the checklistwill have its own paragraph in the walkthrough. Hopefully this will make iteasier for my readers to scan through and quickly find whatever they arelooking for in the guide.A note on feedable animals: I'll list each group of animals in the checklist.Each group counts as 1 whether it is a group of 50 hares or just 1 bear.Basically I'm counting the number of times you can feed them, not the number ofactual animals.

Okami Walkthrough

I will also list the percentage complete of each animal typeup to that point. If you feed them in a different order than I have yournumbers may vary slightly, but you should reach 100% at the same time.There seems to be some debate about how much Praise is possible in one play-though. For this purpose I will have a PRAISE TRACKER at the end of eachsection totaling the amount of praise up to that point. Obviously, you will bespending your praise on upgrades, but if you had simply let it accumulate orkeep track of all the praise you've spent, this total will show you how muchyou should have. Hope this helps.About directions.

Okami walkthrough side quest

Most areas in the game are too complex for me to map them inASCII. If you hold L2 the game will display a map overlay. All thecompass directions I give are in relation to these maps. We are all familiarwith compass directions, aren't we?

For the sake of clarity, from the topgoing clockwise in 90 degree increments there are North, East, South, and West. I must also admit, and it pains me to say this, but I am slightly dyslexicor something and I have trouble visualizing the difference between west andeast. I have tried very hard to be precise in my directions, and I believe Ihave fixed every one of my mistakes, but I may have slipped up occasionally.If I say 'west' and it doesn’t make sense, try going east. Likewise, try westif 'east' doesn’t make sense. I'm very sorry if I confuse anyone. I ampracticing very hard to condition myself correctly.Enough jibber-jabber. Enjoy.5.01) River of the Heavens and Cave of Nagi #RH&CN-+-+ Checklist +-+.Items.

(. indicates a buried treasure) Holy Bone S Astral Pouch Stray Bead #1 +-+ Brush TechniquesREJUVENATIONPOWER SLASHBrush TechniquesSUNRISE.

Okami Walkthrough
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