TombRaider 3 Walkthrough and Game GuideFeaturing All Secrets and Hidden Rewards and packed with ScreenshotsLONDON: Aldwych. Secrets: 5. Kills: 29. Pick-ups: 50.
Crystals: 9 Note (CONTAINS SPOILERS) - This level seems quite complicated. To make the things easier,have in mind that the level is separated into two parts: the right and left hand escalators. You first need to follow the right handescalators and complete this part by finding two Solomon's Keysand then go to the left hand escalators, where you will use theseKeys. So, there is no point to go to the left if you have not foundthe two keys from the right.Lara just fell throughthe opening of the bell tower, as the cut scene at the end of the Thames Wharf showed. You start falling down, so press Action to grab the edge of the first slope. Release to drop to the slopebelow, slide and jump pressing Action to grab land into the alcove.
Aldwych.jpg Tomb Raider III. Section, London. 1 Keys, Artefact; 2 Weapons found; 3 Enemies; 4 Traps; 5 Notable.
Pick up the ShotgunShells (or the Shotgun if youdo not have it) and drop into the water below.Climb out of the waterand go up the stairs. Just before entering the tube station, andat the top of the stairs, shoot the vent on the right hand sideand drop down to get the Crystal. Climbup the two ladders to reach a room with metal supports. Go aroundto the back side of the room and kill the thug that is lurking in the corner. (Those guys are quite easy to beat.It only takes a few shots to kill them with Pistols, but do notlet those with the lit torches get too near Lara because they mayset her on fire). Now pick up the Uzi Clips,the Shotgun Shells (or the Shotgun if you do not have it) and the Flares from the right hand side.
Note - You could have reached this room, if you had entered the tubestation and climbed on either of the two leftmost ticket machines(leftmost if you face the escalators). You should have killed a thug on your way and picked up a Small Medi Pack from him.There is a movableblock with metal spirals opposite the ladder you climbedbefore - pull it once. Go around to the right and drop to theticket machine. Kill the thug belowand if you have not done so, jump to the ticket machine beneaththe movable block. Jump up to grab its side and climb to the top.Carefully drop down on the other side and follow the passage tothe end (the box with the spirals is the one you pulled before).Drop into the ticket booth and pick up the MaintenanceKey and the Large Medi Pack.Push the button to exit and pick upthe Small Medi Pack from the thug youkilled before.Beyond the ticket machines,you can see two escalators. As you face them, go down the righthand ones.Rightescalators - Go down the right hand escalators until youreach a pit.
You have to go down to the pit anyway, but for now you need to jump over it. Be careful, because theceiling on the left is low. Stand in the front right corner of theledge and turn 45 degrees to the right. Take a running jump to landon the angled ground.
Draw your weapons and kill the thug and the dog from the platform on theleft. Go to the end of the platform and use the Maintenance Keyto unlock the door. Enter and pick up the UziClips and the Small Medi Pack.Press the button to turn on the powerand the lights. Exit to the platform and go to other side.
Pickup the Old Penny that the machinedropped when you turned on the power.Intothe pit - Return back to the pit and this time drop down.You need to go to the left (as you face the direction of the escalators),but for your information a train is going to come from the tunnel.If you take a look, you will notice an opening beyond on the righthand side of the tunnel. Stand to the left side and sprint diagonallyto enter the opening in order to avoid the oncoming train. Or, stickto the right hand wall and run normally (do not sprint) to the openingand drop in the room just in time.Roomwith crates - Draw your weapons and kill the twothugs (if you wait close to the entrance, you can kill themone by one). Pick up the Small Medi Pack from the back left of the room and climb on the crates to the right.Above the entrance and behind some crates, you can find a Crystal.Getting the Crystal, you trigger a dog.Kill it from the crate in front of the Crystal. Make your way tothe crate that is in the far right corner (assuming you have theentrance to the back of you). Suggestionfor the PC players (COINTAINS SPOILERS) - If your healthis not low, avoid taking the Crystal now. You are coming back tothis room twice, so save the Crystal for a later use.
Remember thatthe dog appears only when you drop behind the crates.)Turn to face the otherside of the room and take a running jump to grab the opposite stackof crates. Pull up and turn left.
Take another running jump to landon the crate next to the sloped crate. There is a button in the opening behind the crate you are standing on, but it doesnot do anything apart from turning on the alarm. Opposite the sloppedcrate, you can see the climbable grate. Side-jump to the slope andjump to grab the grate. Climb up a bit and back-flip onto the ledgebehind.
Then turn around. There is a thug on the crate to the left, so take care of him and pick up the SmallMedi Pack he drops.Notice the trapdoor inthe corner above the crate. You will open it in a while. For nowdrop to the ledge between the crate where the thug was and the cratebelow the trapdoor. Jump to the square ledge on the left and takea running jump to the ledge behind the grate you climbed up before (see to get oriented).Make sure you press Action to avoid hittingon the upper part.
Here you will find a pairof Uzis and some Clips for it(if you have the Uzis, it will be Clips for you). Take a runningjump back to grab the square ledge and jump back to the crate whereyou killed the thug (if you cannot grab the square ledge, drop tothe ground and make your way up there as you did before).Take a standing jump tograb the grating on the ceiling and traverse forwards, then right.Drop down at the end and slide down the ramp. Climb on the doorwayto the right, turn around and jump to grab the ledge ahead. Pullup and pick up the Rocket. Drop downand climb to the doorway above the drill.Drillroom - You may want to save your game in case youmiss the Secret.1stSecret - Turn around and slide down the ramp backwards,pressing Action to grab the edge. Releaseto drop onto the decrepit floor and, beforeit collapses, side-jump to the left in order to land on the slope.
Slide and jump to grabthe crevice on the opposite side. Traverse to the right and dropto the decrepit floor. Allow it to collapse and you will landon a slope. Immediately jump, pressing Roll to twist in midair to land on a slope on the opposite side. Press Action to grab the edge and release press Action three more times to grab the edgeof the alcove with the Secret. Pull up and get the Crystal and the MP5 Clips (or the MP5Gun if you do not have it).( Noteabout the drill - Take a look above and notice the drill.It has not come down where you are.
It returned back, but this timeit is on the same level with the first ramp you slid backwards before.)Slide down the ramp andgo to the left, to the bottom of the drill room where you will finda Large Medi Pack. Return to the bottomof the ramp and climb on the opposite ledge. Turn around and takea standing jump to grab the ledge above. Pull up and climb throughthe opening. Here you can see a small pool that does not lead anywhere.Just keep it in mind if you catch fire with the burners above. Fornow, jump to the ledge next to the climbable grating and go to thebackside where you can find a Crystal.Climb up the grating, butbe careful with the fires. If you pull up on the top and do notmove at all, you will not catch fire.
And with a year that's already seen Dynasty Warriors 4 and Romance of the Three Kingdoms VIII revisit ancient China so triumphantly, it's really no surprise to find that the company's next installment, Dynasty Tactics 2, is already thunderously on the shelves.Winner of the Reader's Choice Award for best strategy game in the 2002 IGN Game of the Year ceremonies, the original Dynasty Tactics has managed to gain quite a following already.
Make sure you climb in themiddle of the grating in order to complete the next part easier.Once at the top, wait for the fire to go away and turn right toaim the block in the corner. Wait for the fire to go away againand take a standing jump to the block. Both fires will extinguishand you can move freely. Alternatively, stand at the edge of theledge, on the right hand side, facing the first flame.
When theyare both off, take a standing jump to the block and immediatelyvault to the upper ledge where the Medi Pack is.Climb on the next ledgeand pick up the Small Medi Pack. Vaulton the sloped ledge and go to the left. Take a diagonal standingjump to grab the grating and climb until Lara's feet are on thefirst silver line of the grating. Back-flip into the alcove andpush the button to open a trapdoor backin the room with the crates and turn on a burner at the top of thegrating.Take a standing jump tograb the grating and pull up.
Immediately crouch to avoid the burner and crawl forwardsa bit to get the Uzi Clips. Turn aroundand crawl backwards, pressing Action tolower Lara and grab the edge. Drop down and turn right. Climb onthe low block and then on the next one. Follow the passage to reach a ledgeabove the station platform you got the Old Penny.
Kill the rat on the left hand side and pick up the LargeMedi Pack and the Shotgun Shells.Hang from the grating and drop to the platform below.Backto the crate and drill rooms - Once again, drop into thepit and go down the tunnel to enter the room with the crates (donot worry about a train this time). Climb on the crate in the farright corner and make your way up to the grates on the ceiling. Do NOT go through the trapdoor now (see the bugwarning below). Grab theceiling again and traverse across to return back to the drill room. Thistime, the drill is on the same level with the ramp and you can walkon it. Do that and climb to the opening on the other side to getthe Solomon's Key #1.Bugwarning - If you first go through the trapdoor (in the room with the crates),then to area with the three timed doors and then return back tothe drill room, you may activate a bug where the drill is not solid or on the same level with the ramp.
In that case, you cannot get the first Solomon's Key, so you need to load a previous saved game beforeclimbing through the trapdoor or at least before visiting the threetimed doors. The PC players can download a saved game from our.Againback to the crate room - Follow the passage upwards as itgoes and safely drop down to reach again the area above theplatform. Yet another time, drop down and then into the pit. Return back tothe room with the crates and make your way up tothe grating on the ceiling.Now you can climb throughthe trapdoor. Do it and step away. Kill the thug and his dog and back track to the trapdoor.Take a standing jump to grab the ledge above the trapdoor and pullup. Pick up the Shotgun Shells andreturn back.
Both stairs lead to a roll down door that do not open(and they never will). One of the closed doors will lead you tothe level's final Secret and the other door will give you a directaccess to a hallway that you will visit in a minute.For now, enter the roombetween the stairs and pick up the MP5 Clips.Stand on the decrepit floor in the back right corner to fall intothe hallway below. Pull the movable block once to unblock the trapdoor on the other side, climb out and fallthrough the trapdoor. Follow the hallway and crawl through the opening.When you are able to stand, climb on the left and let the door open,giving you a direct access to the previous room. Jump over the openingand follow the other side of the hallway to reach the area withthe three timed doors.Thethree timed doors - The hallway ahead leads to a room witha pool in the middle and three doors on the left hand side.
Thetwo buttons you saw before open these doors, but you have a limitedtime to enter. The right button opens the right and middle doorsand the left button opens the left door. The order you must go throughthem is: right - middle - left.Rightdoor - You first need to press the rightbutton and go through the right door. If it is the firsttime, you may want to press the Look buttonto break the camera that shows the doors opening. Once you pressthe button, roll and diagonally run to the right to enter the hallway.You can sprint in the second part of the hallway, but release justbefore the corner or Lara will bump on the wall ahead. Avoid jumpingover the pool because the ceiling is low and you will hit on themetal support.
Once you are inside, press the button to open a trapdoor in the middle room. Slide down the ramp and followthe passage to return back to the buttons, picking up some Flares on your way.Middledoor - Again press the right button and repeat the same to enter the middle room. Once inside, do NOTeven approach the far right corner. You may accidentally slide downinto the hallway that leads back to the buttons. Climb through thetrapdoor you opened from the right hand room.
Once you do that, the trapdoor closes behind you. Press the button to close a trapdoor in the left room and the one next to you, so you can continue through the hallway. ( IMPORTANT: Make sure you press this button!!
See the Bug warning below.) Follow the passage and safelydrop down in front of the buttons.Leftdoor - Press the left button to open the left door. Again, if this is the first time, press the Look button to break the camera.
You haveless time to make it now and you must sprint in both parts of thehallway. Once you sprint towards the door, do not let go of the Sprint button, even if you see the doorclosing. Once inside, climb on the block in the back left cornerand jump up to grab the grates. Traverse to the other side, passing beneath the trapdoor you closed from the middle room, releaseand grab the ledge below.
Pull up and get the ShotgunShells, the Crystal and the Solomon's Key #2.Bug warning - Once you climb through the trapdoor in the middle room, it closes behind you. Make sure you press the button here in order to close the trapdoor in the left room, so as to have access to the Solomon's Key. If you do not press the button and you fall through the nearby trapdoor (which leads to the left room, but with the way to the Key blocked, since the trapdoor is open), you will have to make your way back to the two buttons and re-do the process. In this case, you will have to go to the right hand room again, but the button that opens the trapdoor in the middle room is unavailable, because you have already pressed it once. Since the trapdoor of the middle room is closed, you will not be able to continue, unless you load a previous saved game.
Thanks to Abolfazl Shirazi for bringing this to our attention.Backto the ticket machines - Drop into the pool and do NOT climbout in the opening. It leads back to the buttons and you eitherneed to take the long route back to the ticket machines or makethe timed running again!! Instead, swim through the underwater tunneland climb out of the water. The door opens as you approach and youare back to the area with the ticket machines. Kill the thug and, facing the escalators, go to the second ticket machine fromthe left.
It has two coin slots (one on each side) and you needto use the Old Penny to the right hand slot (as you face the escalators - see ).The machine will drop a Ticket on the floor and DO NOT FORGET TO PICK IT UP.Leftescalators - Go down the left escalators until you reacha pile of dirt. A thug will appearfrom the left, so take care of him.2ndSecret - Go to the far end, beyond the pile of dirt, and shootthe vent. Drop down and pick up the ShotgunShells. Then climb back out.Go to the platform andkill the two rats on the tracks. Thestairs on the right hand side leads you to a pool and a closed doorthat you will open from the other side.
If you want, you can goup the stairs now and kill a dog thatmay surprise you later. Drop down to the tracks and avoid the lefthand part. Go to the right.
A thug emerges from a room on the right, the door closes and he entersanother room beyond. Quickly follow him and enter the room to avoidthe oncoming train. Kill the thug and push the button to open two doors: one on the left as you exit (it is from wherethe thug came) and it contains a Crystal and one on the right that leads to a pool and a closed door.Masonicmaze - To enter the Masonic Temple, you need to pass througha maze with passages, buttons and doors. Gives you a visual guidance.Climb out of the pool andpush the button to open the door andenter the maze. Turn the first right and again right. Push the button to close two doors, but open a door elsewhere that leads to a MediPack.
Turn around, turn left and then right (as it goes) and followthe hallway to the end. Just on the corner, push the button to open two doors. Do NOT push the button at the end of the hallwaybecause you will close the doors you just opened, plus two moredoors that give you an access to two more pickups. Turn around andgo back the hallway. The two doors you just opened is on your right(next to the entrance of the maze).
Enter, pick up the SmallMedi Pack from the alcove on the left and push the leftbutton to open a door elsewhere. Do NOT push the right handbutton because it will close the final door that leads inside theTemple. Exit the room via the right hand door (as you face them)and continue ahead, then to the right to reach the veryfirst button you used. Push it again. Turn around, continueahead and then to the right (through the newly opened door fromthe left of the double buttons). Follow the passage to enter theTemple picking up a Small Medi Pack and some MP5 Clips on your way.( Note - If you came to this point and you are missing one or both Solomon'sKeys, you need to go back to the ticket machines and follow the. To return back, exitthe Temple and then the maze.
Climb to the platform and go up theescalators. The first Key is located in the drill room and the secondafter passing the three timed doors. Make sure you get the Key fromthe drill first in case you activate a bug.)Insidethe Masonic Temple - As you enter, go to the right hand sideand place the two Solomon's Keys in the keyholes to open two doors:one to the left and one to the right. Go through the passage betweenthe two pillars where you placed the Keys and pick up the UziClips (or a pair of Uzis if youdo not have them) and the Crystal. Nowgo to the other side of the room, being careful of the decrepitfloors that have spikes below. Run over the decrepit floor in frontof the door you just opened and pick up the MasonicMallet. Take a standing jump to exit and draw your weaponsbecause a dog emerges from the left.Notice the purple curtain on the right, above the decrepit floorthat has no spikes below.
Go behind the curtain and pick up the Ornate Star (which will giveyou the access to the 3rd Secret) and the MP5Clips.Exit and head to the farright corner of the room. Go through the other door you opened byplacing the two Keys and pick up the Flares and the Small Medi Pack.
Jump intothe water and follow the tunnel to surface (the door you just passedthrough was previously closed). Climb out of the water, then onthe ledge above and turn around. Take a running jump to grab thecrevice and pull up. Crawl a bit to the right and drop to the ledgebehind the railings.
Turn around and climb on the block. Turn rightand if you are able, kill the two rats from here. Take a standing jump towards the opening pressing Action to grab it. Lara usually grabs the grates above, so stand againstthe opening, release and press Action again to grab the edge. Pull up and crawl through the opening.Use the Ticket to the turnstileto open the parts that were blocking the entrance.
Go up the stairsand if you did not do it before, kill the two rats along with the thug on the left. Pick up the SmallMedi Pack he drops.3rdSecret - Go to the left passing over the pile of dirt. Usethe Ornate Star to open the door and kill the thug that emerges from inside the booth before he toasts Lara (to usethe Star, stand in front of the door and NOT in front of the receptacle).Enter and climb on the wall opposite the entrance. Follow the passageand crawl through the opening. Drop down at the end and get the Crystal. The door opens as you approachand you are back above the pool.If you did not kill the dog before, do it now as it emergesfrom the stairs on the right hand side. Jump traverse climb toreturn back where you used the Ticket.
Now go to the right and downthe escalators. Use the Masonic Mallet to open the door on the left(again, to use the Mallet, stand in front of the door and NOT infront of the receptacle). Push the button inside to open a trapdoor inside a train car that you have not beenin yet.4thSecret - Before exiting, notice the crawlspace above thebutton. Jump up to grab it and pull up. Get the Rocket,drop down and exit.Outsidethe train car - Drop down to the left and follow thepassage. A door opens on the right and a thug appears.
Kill him and pick up the Small MediPack he drops. This door gives you a direct access to theplatform after following the right hand escalators. There is noneed to go there now, so continue down the passage, jumping overthe opening in the floor. Draw your weapons because a dog is waiting for you around the corner. Kill it and go down the stairs.There is another thug at the end ofthe platform. Take care of him and pick up the SmallMedi Pack he drops. Get the Crystal from the alcove and climb on the train car to get some Flares.Drop down, go to the other side where the pile of dirt is and crawlbackwards to drop into the pit and get a LargeMedi Pack and Shotgun Shells.Intothe train car - Return back and go up the stairs.
Now dropinto the opening you jumped over before and crawl through the nextopening to reach the trapdoor you opened some minutes ago. Climbinto the train car (the trapdoor closes behind you) and push the button on the left to move the traincar and open the nearby trapdoor.Drop through the trapdoorthat closes behind you and crawl through the opening to reach ahallway with alcoves on the right hand side. Continue ahead anddo NOT kill the thug that emerges fromone of the alcoves or you will not get the level's final Secret.Follow him because he goes to call his friend that comes from inside a room, opening a door. Once the door isopen, kill them both and enter the small room. Be careful not toslide down or you will end the level, unless you are not interestedin getting the Secret.
Another method to deal with the thugs is to rundown the wide corridor as far as to trigger the first thug. As soonas he appears, do not go after him. Let him go around the cornerto call his friend, whilst you wait in the wide corridor with yourguns drawn. They will attack one by one and you can kill them atyour ease.Pick up the Rocket and push the two buttons. The firstopens a door back to the room with the two roll down doors (abovethe room with the crates) and the second opens the trapdoor of thetrain car. Exit and return to the hallway, picking up a SmallMedi Pack from the third alcove on the right (again, be carefulnot to slide down or you will end the level).5thSecret - Let's go for the level's final Secret. Continueto the right around the corner and climb through the trapdoor andinto the train.
Push the button againto move the train and open the nearby trapdoor. Drop down and followthe passage. Crawl through the opening and climb on the hallway.Go through the open door that the thug came from before and go downthe ramp to reach the platform. Drop into the pit and go down thetunnel.
Enter the room with the crates and make your way up (asyou have done at leat three times by now!!). Climb through the trapdoorand enter the room on the right. Kill the thug inside and pick up the Rocket (or the RocketLauncher if you do not have it), the DesertEagle Clips, the MP5 Clips andthe Large Medi Pack.On yourway back to end the level - Push the button to open the trapdoor of the train car and exit. Take care of the thug that is on the far right of theroom (some people have mentioned that this hug does not appear)and drop down into the room with the crates. Use the grate on theceiling to traverse and reach the drill room. Climb to the openingon the other side and follow the passage to reach the area abovethe platform.
Drop down to the platform and go up the ramp you camefrom. Drop through the opening in the floor and climb into the traincar. Push the button to move the trainand open the nearby trapdoor. Drop down to reach the hallway withthe alcoves. Go down one of the ramps to end the level.The cut scene shows Lara falling down, landingon the floor of the thug's lair.
One of them drags her and forcesher to kneel in front of the leader of the Damned. It is a man witha mask who tells her (guesses) that she must be after Miss Leigh,but not for revenge, because she has not got the face for that.Lara then asks him if he has (a face) and the man replies that he does noteven have a face. He was looking for work and he got one as a labassistant in Miss Leigh's cosmetic company. Because of an experiment'sfailure, he and many more ended up without face.
He tells her thatSophia is after everlasting beauty, but she has not worked it outyet. He then tells Lara that he does not know what her businessis with Sophia, but since she is not shiftless like her, he is willingto help her if Lara helps them. Lara asks what he wants and he asksfor a bottle of embalming fluid from the natural history museum.«».
Tomb Raider III sees a number of locations that are set inLondon. One such level is; an abandoned tube station populated withthugs and rodents with whom Lara must fight in order to reach a small MasonicTemple and advance onto the next level. And I recently visitedthe real Aldwych Tube Station, located in the City of Westminster where SurreyStreet meets Strand. Once known as Strand station upon its opening in 1907, itclosed in 1994 due to lack of use.Piccadilly, o RLY?Parts of the station and the running tunnelswere used during both world wars to shelter artworks from London’s publicgalleries and museums from bombing.Since it had a low passenger flow, thestation had long been popular as a filming location even when it was open, andhas appeared as itself and as other London Underground stations in a number offilms (28 Weeks Later (2007), V for Vendetta (2006), Sherlock (2014) and manyothers). In recognition of its historical significance, the station is a.Andy Sandham, the creator of London levels in Tomb RaiderIII was very interested in abandoned tube stations at the time and even thoughAndy’s vision of Aldwych does differ from the actual station, the real Aldwychdoesn’t have escalators and its staircase is actually a spiral for example.Staircase in AldwychThere are places where the level completely copies the actual station. Such places will make any hard-core Tomb Raider fan visiting the station grin with the thought OH WOW I’VE BEEN HERE.Another significant difference is the Masonic Temple in thegame (or maybe there is one somewhere in the real Aldwych? Hidden from publiceyes).
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Andy “wanted to try and get in as much ‘London lore’ as possible inthat area” by adding such a temple to the station.Both the level and the actual Aldwych have this earieatmosphere. It featured in an episode of Most Haunted Episode 19:Anno 2070 Tutorial